Sep 13Liked by Michelle Dowd

I feel you. I've lost so many playgrounds and places of solace to wildfire. It seems to chase me wherever I go in the West.

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I feel you.

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Sep 13Liked by Michelle Dowd

This is such a beautiful and poignant post. Thank you!

I think control is an illusion, a very comfortable illusion, but an illusion nevertheless. Mother Nature is immensely more powerful than fragile humans and the structures that we build. Whether it is fire, earthquakes (had one on Saturday), or Hurricanes (New Orleans), the untamed wildness of the world reminds us of its strength. Sort of like Cait’s comment “as safe as any large body of water…can be” on green flag days.


And maybe if we let go of that illusion, we have to open that window. But as you said “What anyone wants to let in or keep out is deeply personal, and achingly human”

Thank you

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Fragility. And interbeing. Thank you 🙏🏻

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Sep 13Liked by Michelle Dowd

love this

"temporal containers of buildings and bodies"

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I hope that somehow your log and sapling survive; the memories will.

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Thank you, Michela. Yes, and the stories.

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Sep 18Liked by Michelle Dowd

I am so sorry about the fire, Michelle. The thought of your mother's ashes and how ashes become ashes and what happens to them in yet another fire... I am in awe of your poise, your forward-looking, how this might open you to write in a new direction. Sending cool oceanic mist from Oregon.

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Thank you so much, Mary Beth. I am finding new ways to move forward and honor my mother… more on that this Friday 🙌

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<3 Sending love.

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Sep 13Liked by Michelle Dowd

To grow up in Southern California is to periodically be reminded of the consuming power of wildfires. But once you learn the necessity of fire in rebirth within the multiple ecosystems, you appreciate how it both destroys and creates new growth. Humans may have a limited ability to control fire (and life in general) but we also, through our waste and excess, are increasing the frequency and severity of wildfires.

Humans can control our negative effects on the world, if we act as a society. Actions can only follow understanding and education. Thus the need for writing, reporting, research, art, and poetry. Thank you for the part you are playing!!!!

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Well said.

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