How do I get "back on my horse?" Keeping the focus on re-building the foundation, one step at a time. Just as you are now by staking out your future home.

I'm supporting a family member who lost everything in what seems like his life going up in flames. His experience is pushing me tap into how I built back from the ground up about 6 years ago. A step per day to build a foundation, stronger than before, maybe with a different view from a different mountain. From there, you start seeing what to build back next.

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Thank you for sharing your strength, Sally. I'm honoring your journey as you tap back into how you built back from the ground up. Rooting for you!

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Sep 20Liked by Michelle Dowd

Thank you so much for the photos

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Thank you for reading!

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Sep 20Liked by Michelle Dowd

I fortunately haven’t had to rebuild after a fire or fallen off a horse. But I know something about getting back on my bike after a crash. In April of 2021, I crashed at high speed on GMR not particularly far from where the Bridge fire started.

Recovering physically took time and work, but it took far longer to recover mentally and emotionally. Relearning to trust myself and the bike and being present in the moment as opposed to fearing what could go wrong. It has been three years, and I think I am 95% back. However, I still have not been back up to Crystal Lake, the Baldy Lifts, or Wrightwood (all of which were directly or indirectly impacted by the Bridge Fire.

Perhaps as nature is reborn after a fire, this will be the impetus for me to return to the high roads of the San Gabriel mountains.

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You are courageous to get back on your bike. May the forests give you guidance and hope as you continue to recover. 🙏🏻

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Sep 20Liked by Michelle Dowd

What a beautiful spot for a cabin, thank you for sharing photos! I thought I lost my house last week in the Bridge Fire. I thought my life and possessions were reduced to what I had in my car and a 19' trailer. I was starting to think about the freedom that would bring and wondered whether I would buy again or rebuild. Thanks to some courageous neighbors and the many firefighters, my home and many others were saved. Some were lost and I feel for those families who are faced with starting over. I am grateful to be home, but that thought of having less, needing less, wanting less, is still haunting me.

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I am grateful for all the firefighters who rescue our forests and our homes. I’m relieved and grateful you and your neighbors are safe.

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That looks like such a beautiful location Michelle. I hope it brings you serenity and peace.

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Thank you, Jo! It does. It feels like magic.

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Sep 20Liked by Michelle Dowd

Such a beautiful location, and it radiates peaceful mountain energy. Wishing you many inspired and peaceful times there.

Love the Lola pictures too!

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I love mountain energy!

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